Lonsdale Brazilian Blue Grey Roofing Slate is a natural roofing slate from Papagaios, Brazil. A very durable and proven product that produces a very attractive variegated slate roof.
Our sizes slates of 500x250x7-9mm are very competiviely priced. We find the slightly thicker slate reduces waste and gives a better looking end result.
Our slates are pre holed to 85mm headlap, but this can be adjusted on battens so slates can be laid from 75-100mm head lap.
Slates are 7-9mm thick, so much stronger than other roofing slates which can be as thin as 4mm.
Slate and a half ( 500 x 375mm) also available.
View our Technical Data Sheet
- 500x 250mm
- 7-9mm thick
- Pre holed to a 85mm head lap.(this can be adjusted on a 50mm batten to 75mm-100mm).
- Gross Weight 1.19 tonnes
- Net Weight 1.15 tonnes
- Dimensions 1050 x 1050 x 500mm
Slate No / Crate
- 510 x 250mm - 550 slates (+-)
Coverage is based on a 75mm head lap.
Tested to BS EN 12326-2: 2011 Lonsdale Blue Grey passes all aspects of this test. Full test information available on request.
Slates come with a 50 year warranty.
Discounts available for large quantities. Please call for prices.